Lower Body Stretches
Targeted muscles : glutes (small, medium and large gluteus).
Execution of the exercise : in a lying position, place your ankle on your opposite knee and grab the back of your thigh or your shin (depending on your level of flexibility). Remember to relax your upper body throughout the stretch.
Breathing : inhale then exhale bringing your knee to your chest.
Repetitions : Perform 3 x 30 seconds on each side.

EXERCISE 2 : ADDUCTOR SPLIT ( The Butterfly Stretch )
Targeted muscles : adductors.
Execution of the exercise : sitting cross-legged on your mat, press your knees lightly towards the ground. You should feel a stretch in your inner thighs.
Breathing : inhale then exhale by releasing your knees a little more towards the ground.
Repetitions : Hold 3 x 30 in this position.

Targeted muscles : the 4 heads of the quadriceps (ectus femoris, vastus lateralis, vastus medialis and vastus intermedius).
Execution of the exercise : in a standing position, grab your instep and bring your heel close to the buttocks. Make sure your pelvis remains neutral and tilted slightly forward to feel the stretch on the front of your thigh as much as possible. If you are uncomfortable with balance, you can perform this stretch while lying on your stomach.
Breathing : adopt a slow and controlled breathing during the exercise.
Repetitions : perform the 3 x 30 stretch on each side, trying to increase the amplitude on the 3 passages.