Bodybuilding for beginners : Weight training is a great way to strengthen, tone, and transform your body, but it’s also easy to stagnate, waste time, or make mistakes that can lead to injuries that can put you out of action for months. Hence the importance of not starting without prior knowledge.We will explain everything to you.
Bodybuilding Strength Training muscle

Respect the free weights
Although modern gyms have comfortable machines to work all muscle groups, dumbbells and bars are the best options when it comes to building muscle, especially when you’re just starting out.
Free weight exercises force you to learn the movements, stabilize your body in space and generate more polyarticular work, ideal for promoting good muscle growth.
Build a plan and stick to it
Don’t make the mistake many newbies make of “doing everything” without organization or pragmatism. Without a bodybuilding program, it is impossible to measure your progress over time. Worse still, going for bodybuilding sessions without a specific program is the best way to develop imbalances, which will be very difficult to rectify later.
Not training every day
Your routine should consist of 3 or 4 sessions per week. Plan a rest day after two consecutive days of training to not only maintain your enthusiasm, but above all give your muscles time to regenerate. Many beginners will train every day, thinking that more frequency will make them progress more and faster. Unfortunately, the opposite happens when you don’t let your muscles recover.
Every muscle needs to be trained weekly
If too much frequency will prevent you from progressing, training too little will also not bring you the results you expect. You need to work every muscle group at least once a week, and not just your upper body! Don’t forget that neglecting one muscle, like the legs for example, will reduce your potential for progress on the others.
Master the movements
It is important to learn to master all the movements before mounting the loads. The point of strength training is to contract and work the muscles you’re targeting, not to lift weights all over the place and hope it works. At each session, you have only one mission: to feel the targeted muscle on each exercise.
Eat more protein
Protein is essential for building muscle mass. It is found in abundance in chicken, fish, eggs, milk, nuts and legumes.
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